Potential of tourism services in the Irkutsk region

Tatyana Kirillova



Słowa kluczowe

turystyka; turystyka zdrowotna; rozwój turystyki; region Irkucka




http://www.rosez.ru/?news_id=3393 Russia’s special economic zones

http://президент.рф/transcripts/14745 Meeting on the development of the tourism cluster in the North Caucasus

Kirillova Т., 2011, Optimization of transport logistics in tourism sphere [Text] / E. Arbatsky // Logistics management in the formation of transnational corridors: Proceedings of the First International School on Logistics (19–31 August 2011, Irkutsk: material / Irkutsk State Transport University.), Irkutsk, Publishing House ISU, P. 16–21

Kirillova T.K., 2009, The problems of post-ondustrial development in a Siberian region [Text]/Batsun N.V, Gafarova E.V., Jakobson A. Ya., Lidin K.L. Дорога, регион, рынок: Сборник научных трудов/ под. ред. А.Я. Якобсона.–Иркутск: ИрГУПС, с. 14–22

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