Twierdzenie Banacha o punkcie stałym i jego zastosowania
Twierdzenie o punkcie stałym, które po raz pierwszy zostało sformułowane przez Stefana Banacha w 1922 roku, ma szerokie zastosowanie w matematyce: od abstrakcyjnych dowodów innych twierdzeń po zadania aproksymacyjne w analizie numerycznej. Twierdzenie to zostało tu zaprezentowane wraz z dowodami i z kilkoma przykładami zastosowań w algebrze (pierwiastki kwadratowe w algebrach Banacha) i w geometrii fraktalnej (zbiory samopodobne).
The Banach's Fixed Point Theorem and its applications
The fixed-point theorem, which was first stated by Stefan Banach in 1922, has a wide variety of applications: from abstract proofs of other theorems to the approximation tasks in numerical analysis. This theorem has been presented with its proofs and a few illustrative applications, including computing square roots in Banach algebra and in the theory of self-similar sets.
The Banach's Fixed Point Theorem and its applications
The fixed-point theorem, which was first stated by Stefan Banach in 1922, has a wide variety of applications: from abstract proofs of other theorems to the approximation tasks in numerical analysis. This theorem has been presented with its proofs and a few illustrative applications, including computing square roots in Banach algebra and in the theory of self-similar sets.
K. Goebel, W. A. Kirk, "Zagadnienia metrycznej teorii punktów stałych", UMCS, Lublin, 2010.
R. Engelking, K. Sieklucki, "Geometria i topologia. Część II: Topologia", PWN, Warszawa, 1980.
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